Sooo... we marked a date on his calendar (we draw pictures for school days, swimming, play dates, etc and cross off each day before bed) to give him time to prepare for the idea. All week, he told people that he was sending binkies to the babies in Haiti, and Friday morning, he was excited to package them up and put them out on the porch.
(This was so cute, Owen was whispering "bye, bye binkies, go to Haiti, bye bye binkies.")
I was nervous that nap time would be a total disaster, but we only had about 5 minutes of tears, and then he slept for the next hour and a half. While he was sleeping, the Binky Fairy made a stealth visit to pick up the package, sprinkle some confetti, and leave Owen a new truck. We also made it through bedtime, and now we are on day 3 of being officially Binky Free!
(Okay, so we're not totally binky free. Josh has his, but he's not totally excited about it. He's using it for some naps, but not bedtime or through the night. I'm constantly debating whether to use it or not - do we want to get him hooked just to have to wean later? On the other hand, it's nice for him to have at daycare... I'm hoping Josh's indifference means it will be easy to get rid of later on.)