January - Yes, Scott snagged some awesome bags for shopping. Even the checkers at Safeway seem to like them. I've been bringing my own bags for the last year or so, but they were so small and always fell over. These are sturdy enough to hold a 14 pound baby!
February -still need to change our air filter and put an insulating wrap on our water heater (at least I did the research last month, so we know the wrap should only cost $25!). The NEW goal for February is to start composting our kitchen waste since we now have yard waste pick-up and they'll take our fruit and veggie scraps.
January - Yes, cleaned the living (aka junk storage) room and filled 3 boxes for Goodwill.
February - BABYPROOF! This is non-negotiable. Owen's not crawling yet, but he's trying to get into everything.
January - Yes, Owen is now sleeping without a super swaddle. I also signed us up for mom/baby play time at the pool, which was going to be our February goal. So our February goal is a repeat:
February - Get professional photos taken.
Still gotta work on saying grace before dinner.
January - Yes, we made it ALMOST the whole month without putting anything on the credit card. Our only purchase was on January 31! We bought plane tickets on the last day of the Alaska sale, which is the whole point of having a mileage card. Plus, our restraint gave us a chance to pay off all those unexpected purchases from back in December.
February - Keep up our credit card restraint.
We WILL hire a babysitter and go out this month. On a more serious note, we need to prepare a will. Yikes!
February - Scott's going to shoot for exercising twice a week and I'm going to take at least 2 classes at the fitness center. Two might not sound like many, but I need to just get in there and test out the daycare. We're also going to get Hudson out at least twice/week. That may mean trips to the dog park for a while until the snow melts around town...
Okay, that's enough for today. Owen turned 7 months today, but that's for another post.
Happy February!
Where did Scott get those bags? Good for you for making goals and sticking to it.
You should check out the deep water fitness class at Juniper. I go on Tues/Fridays..
Those bags are from Newport Market - only $1 each!
I want to get back to pilates and yoga. There's a great class on Thursday AMs that I could be at right this very minute - maybe next week.
Looks like you guys got a ton of snow as well!! Hope you guys are enjoying the white!
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