Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Best Toys Ever

No matter what you get a baby, they will always decide what they consider a toy. Owen's current favorites are the Christmas oranges on our counter and his rings. Oh man, those things are amazing. You know the linking rings you use to attach toys to your crib, play bar, or car seat? Owen could care less about the toys, but a string of rings - pure heaven! They make rattle together, fit in his mouth, have lots of colors - what more could a baby want. Owen got a huge pack of new rings for Christmas and gets these huge, wide eyes ever time we hand them to him. So cool - so cheap!


Colleen said...

Luke's favorite gift this year? Wrapping paper...hands down! Babies are so funny! It was so fun meeting Owen! He sure is a cutie, and so wiggly, you are going to have your hands full when he gets moving...which I am sure is sooner than later!

I am Kate Maxwell said...

what about the cement truck?