Here's Josh's resume at 16 months:
Nicknames: Josh, JT, Josha-bee,
Skills: Climbing, going up and down stairs, trying to run, throwing, "beading," stacking, destructing, rocking horse, bouncing, high fives
Attitudes: joyful, daredevil, embraces new situations, independent, calculating, testing boundaries, experimenting with tantrums, trying to be a big kid
Activities: school, swim lessons, tagging along with big brother
Favorite Toys: balls, hoops, "in and out" activities, bag of frogs, bath-ketball, the M&D barbecue set, off limits areas!
Teeth: 4 fully in, 4 more FINALLY working hard to reach the surface
Words: still hiding, none of the standard mama, dada, dog, or ball have shown up, though he seemed to mimic "hello" and "all done" today
Reading: only when tired, simple books with flaps or textures are best, some rhyming books are starting to take hold
Health: constant bump or scrape on the noggin, building immunity this winter (aka, constantly fighting a bug)
Sleep: Ready to switch from one nap to two; in bed by 7:30, up by 6:30; night visits from mom and dad are rare - yes!!
Foods: voraciously picky. We think (hope, hope, hope) he must be growing because Josh has suddenly decided he wants to be snacking ALL THE TIME, but only crackers and specific fruits (mandarin oranges) will do. He will literally nibble dinner, toss it on the floor, indicate "all done," and then get down and head for the pantry.
Loves: people!
And people love Josh. What a joyful blessing he is in our family!