Owen amazed me with his observations throughout our visit to the High Desert Museum this morning (this month's first Friday field trip) and then joyfully wandered around with Hazel and Julie while I sat down to nurse the baby.
He pulled out a slew of books and snuggled up on the couch to "read" to Josh while I was nursing.
He held a personal (and very entertaining) dance party to Michael Bouble (on Oprah)... so entertaining that I rewound the DVR to let him dance again.
He joyfully headed downstairs to "play independently" after his nap while I caught a 10 minute cat nap and made sure Josh would stay down for a bit longer. Is this the same kid who wouldn't even play alone across the room from me 4 months ago???
He said please and thank you countless times - those really are magic words aren't they?
He ate dinner!!
He had an all around agreeable demeanor and lots of laughter during the post dinner playtime.
As we are working through these challenging newborn weeks, I feel like I am continually developing a deeper love for my first born. If these are the terrible twos, I'll take them in a double dose please. And it gives me joy and hope to know that the baby I'm snuggling will one day be amazing me with his maturity and funny observations. I'm tired, but I'm witnessing daily why it's all worth it.
Too cute! I love that grimacy smile of Owen's right now - so funny. Glad he has been joyful.
Hooray for the terrific twos! I am glad Owen's making the hard early days that much easier for you, what a kid!
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