Two weekends ago, we had a family sledding adventure. Last year, the forest service opened up this new sledding hill about 20 minutes outside of town. It's awesome. The hill is huge, so you're not running into anyone and there's a large enclosed shelter complete with wood stove and four picnic benches, so you can warm up and have a snack when the cold cranky whining starts. We were shocked at how quite it was...on a beautiful, sunny Saturday. We only really shared the hill with some families doing a photoshoot for How cool.
THEN, last Sunday, we all went sledding with two families from our playgroup. The three moms and kids spent the morning in the lodge while the dads went snowboarding. We did a quick kiddo hand-off at noon and sent the guys home with kids in tow in time for lunch and naps. That left the three of us moms to spend the afternoon on the slopes. 12 inches of powder overnight and surprisingly good visibility made for fantastic conditions, and Shannon and Julie wiped me out skiing some tough terrain (including trees!) when my feet haven't been in ski boots for 2 months. Scott and I were both sore, exhausted, and thrilled to have had such a great day with friends who aren't afraid to tackle the logistics and potential chaos of snow adventures with toddlers.
One of the silly little things that make me happy about snow play is that Owen gets to wear his snow bibs, and I think they are so darn cute. We got a size that should fit him through next winter and he was pretty unhappy about wearing them at first, but now he LOVES getting on his pants and boots, so he can get out in the snow. Imagine the fun next year when he'll get to try out the skis!
What fun! Skiing, sledding, XC guys must live in Bend, OR. We haven't done any sledding this year other than the little we did when we went to find our tree, and that is so sad! But since we've had such little snow, it's not like there is a lot of choice! I wish we could come sled with you!
you know where there is some good sledding... alaska. just thought i'd point that out...
So stinking cute. Love the pic of Owen in the red sled with his tiny mittens and this one in his bibs in the back of the car. Fun.
I wouldn't know what to do in all that snow - or how to dress a baby. Owen is so cute in his snow bibs. He looks like a big boy. I would love to go sledding - what fun! One winter maybe we'll travel out your way and ya'll can teach us how to sled!
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