Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Styling Slim II

He made it! Owen is now wearing "real" outfits. Granted, these are the newborn size clothes, but he's getting pretty close to fitting into the 0-3 month sizes.

I've been going to "mom's mornings" group on Tuesdays with a great group of new moms. Yesterday, the 4 of us had kids at 10, 9, 8, and 7 weeks. It's pretty fun to compare the kids - Owen is by far the smallest, but he is also the strongest. He started rolling himself over this week. The first couple times, we thought it was a fluke, but now he will do whenever we put him on his tummy in a good mood. He pulls his head up so hard that his arms get stuck under his chest, and "plop" he's flipped on his back. He did it at mom's group yesterday (such a show-off), but I think it must be way easier to move yourself around when you're so small. I'm trying to capture it on video...


Sara said...

Yay Owen! Athletic already. And Alissa, I'm so glad to hear that you found some new moms...with actual babies, not just pregnant moms!! Hope the group continues to go well. Love, Auntie Sara

Colleen said...

Nice moves Owen, and to do it for all those babies...I am sure you impressed the ladies! And Moms groups are so great, it is so nice to go and know there are others going through what you are going through!