Monday, July 26, 2010

Birthday Party

We celebrated Owen's birthday with a joint park party with Will and Owen S. That's 3 boys turning 3! We had the party at the same park where we had Owen's first birthday, and it was great to watch all our friends run around and play - soccer, bikes, playground, and cupcakes!

All 3 birthday boys have the exact same bike!

Nana managed a cranky, napless Josh.

How great that our kids are old enough to do the swings on their own. Can you believe these two boys were both 5 pound babies? Not anymore!

These three boys were in the pool together before they were born. Now we can't keep up with them on the bikes!
We said, only in Bend would you have the spread of cupcakes - regular, vegan, and gluten free. A little something for everyone!
These boys are the first in our group to turn 3. These joint birthdays are so fun!

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